School Crisis and Education
White Papers
School Crisis Response Initiative
In recent years, our country has experienced many violent and traumatic events, and young people across our Nation have profoundly felt the impact. From acts of terrorism to school violence, our youth are increasingly exposed to the long-lasting and damaging effects caused by such events. This paper describes an organizational model for school preparedness and effective responses to crises.
Transforming Systems in Times of Adversity: Education and Resilience
This paper stresses the importance of resilience in ensuring that the journey to self-reliance, and Agency investments, are compromised in the face of complex crises and natural disaster.
During the first few minutes of an emergency, before first responders have arrived, occupants are at their most vulnerable. This paper identifies steps to help keep students, faculty and staff be safe and informed when seconds count.
Practical Information on Crisi Planning: A Guide for Schools And Communities
Knowing how to respond quickly and efficiently in a crisis is critical to ensuring the safety of our schools and students. The midst of a crisis is not the time to start figuring out who ought to do what. At that moment, everyone involved – from top to bottom – should know the drill and know each other.
Model School Crisis Management Plan
Jefferson County Public Schools developed procedures for dealing with existing and potential student and school crises. The Comprehensive Crisis Management plan includes Intervention Procedures, Crisis Response Procedures, and Critical Incident Procedures. An important component of the Plan is a set of interagency agreements with various county agencies to aid timely communication and help coordinate services between the agencies and individual schools or the entire school division.
Building and Sustaining Programs for Schools-based Behavioral Health Services in K-12 Schools
As communities direct more resources to school-based behavioral health services, it is important that they invest in evidence-based approaches—those that have been evaluated and have demonstrated effectiveness—for identification of and intervention for youth in need of support. This white paper describes several innovative strategies implemented by states and
The Courageous Classroom: Creating a Culture of Safety for Students to Learn and Thrive, by A. Wiley Brand
Crisis Management: Mastering the Skill to Prevent Disasters, by Harvard Business School
Perspective on School Crisis Response, by Benjamin Fernandez
School Crisis Prevention and Intervention, by B. Lazzaro
I’m Not Scared-I’m Prepared, by Julia Cook
School Insecurity: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents, and Educators on School Security, Protecting Your Children and Fostering a Safe Learning Environment, by Wayne Black
On Scene Guide for Crime Negotiators, by Frederick Lanceley
Classroom Crisis: The Teacher’s Guide: Quick and Proven Techniques for Stabilizing Your Students and Yourself, by Kendall Johnson
Developing Community-Based School Crisis Response, by Susan Shapiro
All Clear: Lessons from a Decade Managing School Crises, by Chris Joffe
Safe Within These Walls: De-escalating School Situations Before They Become Crises, by Andra Medea
After the Crisis: Using Story Books to Help Students Cope, by Cathy Grace
Website Resources
Crisis Prevention Institute​​
National Center for School Safety
Center for Whole Child Education
National Association for School Crisis and Bereavement
National Association for School Psychologists